
When’s best to
introduce dairy?

When should I consider introducing dairy foods?

Before introducing dairy consult with your HCP. D epending on the type and severity of your child’s allergy, your HCP will be able to advise on when and how to reintroduce dairy.The first thing to know is that the majority of babies outgrowing their allergy by early childhood. It all depends on the type of allergy your baby has.

If your baby initially had a severe reaction that happened very quickly after consuming cow’s milk or dairy, then it might be an IgE-mediated CMPA. This type of allergy can take longer to outgrow than other types. If you are unsure, then it is best to talk to your baby’s allergy doctor about this.

Meanwhile if your baby’s reaction was slower and less severe, taking many hours or even days to present, it might be a non-IgE-mediated CMPA. This type of CMPA will resolve more quickly (Luyt et al., 2014; Sackesen et al., 2019).

Kid eating cereal

The Milk

Adding milk to your baby’s diet with the Milk Ladder

Your HCP may suggest adding cow’s milk back into child's diet through milk ladder. They may advise doing this gradually. The type of milk ladder your child should use twill be decided by your HCP.

The Milk Ladder uses a stepwise approach to introducing milk while your baby’s progress should be continuously monitored by their dietitian.

How long this takes varies between each individual child and hence it is so important that this process is monitored by your Dietitian or Pediatrician. Never embark on this without your healthcare professional knowing.

Kid drinking milk